
as you are

What might it be like to sit with another human being, without fear, without judgement, with kindness and compassion?

To just breathe together, safely, unconditionally accepting the moment.

The need to share and connect through our experiences and life story is human nature. It helps us to relate to one another, make sense of our experiences and ourselves in the world. We start our lives needing another human for growth and survival, we continue to need connection to be able to live and thrive.

As a counsellor, I can listen to what it is you need to share, to hear the thoughts and feelings that are troubling you. Whatever life is like for you, I can listen and together we can understand what you need from counselling and that becomes our focus.


About Counselling

Discover what counselling is and how it could help you.


About me

Read about who I am and how
I approach the counselling work.

Fees and Locations

I offer morning, afternoon and evening sessions, including Saturdays.

Click here for a list of my fees and the
locations I provide counselling from.